2006 ATV Ride Sponsored By:

The 1st Annual "ATV Ride of Hope" raised over $3500.00 for
Cancer Canada.
Riders from across Ontario braved the cool temperatures and all day rain to ride
the trails of the Baxter
ATV Club. The Prostate Extreme Team would like to thank our riders our
sponsors and most of all the people of Port Severn Ontario.
See all the Event Photo's
The following businesses donated products to help make this
event such a great success: Superstore Midland, Borsa-Gianetto Midland, Food Basics
Midland IGA Midland
Last but not least we would like to thank our accommodation
hosts Hap and Shirley of

Your resort is beautiful and we thank you for your awesome
hospitality, we are already looking forward to next year!
Attention Riders keep watching Dirt Trax Television as this
ride will be featured in an upcoming episode.

The following prizes were awarded to our top three Pledge
Grand Prize Giveaways
$500.00 Yamaha Bucks
Ross McLeod
Second Prize
$300.00 Yamaha Bucks Lenny Triolo
Third Prize
$200.00 Yamaha Bucks
SchmidtCongratulations gentleman we hope you
enjoy your Yamabucks.

Don't Drink & Ride
If you would like to plan a ATV Event to benefit our
cause please feel free to
contact us to find out how.
© Prostate Extreme Team