Annual Sled Ride of Hope
1st Ever Virtual Ride
Family Day Weekend
February 14th & Sunday
Feburary 15th 2021
For Immediate Release:
This year’s
16th Annual Sled Ride of Hope will be held VIRTUALLY. Although this was a
very tough decision for us to make, we feel it is the right one as we want
to ensure that all our amazing supporters and sponsor’s remain safe and
healthy during these unprecedented times.
things will be a little different from what we are traditionally used to,
we hope that we can make this ride the best yet because for the first time
ever you get to customize the event in your own unique way and on your
local trails. We know that you will find ways to make this event amazing
and we look forward to sharing some of our planning committees amazing
ideas for great prizes and giveaways in the very near future so stay tuned
to our Facebook Page and Website.
remember to stay within your bubble and have a blast supporting a great
cause, we are making history here folks and we need your help to make this
event the best ever!
Stay tuned
more to come shortly.
Steve Hutton
President & Founder
For fundraising ideas
Download Our Pledge Form
Start Your Online Campaign Here