How to Raise Funds for PET
Create a plan and a fundraising goal:
2. Start early: Don't procrastinate.
Educate your donors.
4. Make potential donors aware of the benefits of contributing. o They will be directly helping men with Prostate Cancer in their journey o They will be making a difference in their community
o They
will receive a tax
deductible donation 5. Follow through: Send reminders to potential donors via email and social networks and through your work, follow up with ones who said they would support your cause. 6. Recruit volunteers: They will help you raise funds. o Friends, family members, co-workers and significant others can be of great help in spreading the word about your fundraising efforts. 7. Stay positive. Keep a good attitude. Remember the reason.
Fundraising comes with a lot of "No's." Forget those and keep going for
the "Yes's." Plan for this so it doesn't take you by surprise. Just ASK, the worst they can say is NO
Here are some great ideas and suggestions to help you. Never be afraid to ask – the worst anyone can say is no! Talk to your employer; ask them to match the money you raise. Many companies will be interested in corporate donation matching. Have a fundraising competition in your office – if your company has divisions you can compete against each other. Give copies of your sponsor sheet to family members and friends and ask them to help you with your fundraising efforts. Be sure to educate them on the charity and your involvement with it Compose an e-mail or letter to everyone you know, also ask them to forward the e-mail/letter on to others or print it off and hang it up in the lunchroom at their work. The more people you reach the better your chances are of meeting your fundraising goal. E-mail a lot? If you use your e-mail often, be sure to include a line in your automatic signature that tells People what you are raising money for and how they can support you! TELL people about your participation in this great event and why you are raising this money. You may have a personal story of why you are doing this – the more People you share this information with the more you create awareness about our great cause! Ask a local restaurant to donate a percentage of their sales for a day or a busy time of day to support you. We can supply you with information hand outs for that day or you can ask if you can make flyers and post them or hand them out to patrons entering the establishment Union at work? Why not approach your Union at work for a donation, most groups such as these have funds set aside for donations or supporting a cause! Talk to the corporations and small businesses that you know locally or have connections with, let them know what you are doing and let them know how they can help you. Are there places that you attend regularly, such as church, the gym, etc that you can ask if they will sponsor you? Or even ask if you can make your own posters and post them at their facility to help let people know what you are doing and help raise donations. Don’t be shy!!! Approach people you don’t know for donations, it can be someone in front of you in line at the grocery store! Colleague Fundraising Challenge – Talk to everyone in your office and have them challenge each other to raise the highest amount. You can offer a prize for the winner (i.e. gift basket, dinner certificate) Snail Mail – If you mail letters the traditional way, print return address labels for your outgoing mail. Print something like, “Will you sponsor me?”, include the event name. In memory of… – If you’re participating in memory of a loved one or for a loved one, be sure to include a picture of you with your loved one in your donation letter, e-mail, posters, etc. Local Clubs – most areas have a local Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, etc. Write a letter to your local club and ask them to support you. Follow Up! – That’s right, so you have asked for a donation, they have said yes, but you have yet to receive their donation. Gently remind them that your event is around the corner and that they indicated their interest in supporting you and this great cause! Send Updates – Let your family, friends & supporters know how your fundraising is going. Include a reminder on how to support you in your efforts. Signing your Correspondence – Start the habit of signing your notes, Letters and cards with your name and the name of the event. You will be surprised at how many people will ask you about it. Pledge Form - Personalize your pledge form. Make it unique and eye-catching –If you have a personal story and/or reason for your participation include it! Give some to your family and friends to help you collect more donations. BBQ – some larger grocery stores have fundraising BBQ’s throughout the year. Approach the store and see if the proceeds from one barbeque can be donated to your fundraising. Movie Party – Host a movie party at your house. The local video store announces the new movies due out soon…..Choose a new flick at your local movie store, make some popcorn, pick up some beverages then invite your friends and/or family over for movie night. Of course have your donation forms ready to go! Make your own contribution – Lead the way by making your donation First. Happy Hour Party – Invite your friends and their friends, get them to sign encouraging words on a t-shirt. Charge them $10 per signature. 50/50 draw – some companies hold a monthly 50/50 draw. Ask them if one month the can donate the winnings to your donations. Fundraising dinner at your local favorite restaurant – Ask a local favorite restaurant to host a Fundraising Dinner for you. They supply the food and your supply the donation forms! Invite everyone you know! FRIENDS – Ask 5 or 10 of your friends to take donation forms each and ask them to help raise money for you Include your Neighbours – Write a letter to all the neighbors on your block (or in your building). Tell them about the event and ask them to help you by making a donation. Tipping Jar – Ask local businesses to put jars near the register or on their front counter. Tape a picture of yourself and a short explanation of why you’re raising money. Car Wash for Prostate Cancer – Have a car wash. Ask a local gas station to donate the cleaning products, put up balloons and signs, and wash away! Shortest Tie Contest – Executives
participate in an all-day contest to end the day with the shortest tie.
Employees pay to cut an inch off their favorite executive’s tie. You can
vary the game by paying for the ugliest or most ties, etc. All proceeds
will be donated to your event. Is there a teacher, policeman or firefighter in the house? – Get your students or colleagues to help you fundraise. Kids are incredibly creative, teams or squads can be competitive so get them to have fundraising competitions. Poker Game – Call your card-playing friends invite them over for poker night. Pick a percentage and let everyone know that % of winnings are payable to “The House,” which will become donations. Ask for Empties – ask your friends for their empty beer bottles, tell them you will return them in exchange for the money to be donated. SET A FUNDRAISING GOAL – The earlier you begin fundraising efforts the easier it is! When you reach your goal, you can double your efforts and raise even more!
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